Save energy!
(=Save money and do something good for the environment, too)
We need energy for a) Electricity, b) Heating, c) Mobility, d) Food, e) Stuff (e.g. clothes)
Let’s concentrate today a little on electricity today- very likely you all got (or will soon get) your annual electricity bills.
Four simple thing to change the world and live more eco friendly:
1. Change to a „green provider“. It’s not much more money per month, and…:
2. Turn off all unused devices and turn off devices after use (even with this you can often already save a lot of money).
3. Replace light bulbs and electrical devices by more energy efficient LED lamps and devices.
4.Rehome items which you don’t need (e.g. rehome the second fridge and the third freezer to someone who needs *one*), and don’t buy devices which are not necessary (do we really need a separate fridge for wine bottles?)
We just got our electricity bills for 2016: Our consumption went down in 2016 again, we are now at 4,099 kWh for last year 2016 (considering that we are seven people in our household this is really good). I doubt that we will be able further cut down our consumption, but let’s see.
BTW: If you want to change to a green provider, I could provide you with some information and personal experience with.
Elektrizitätswerke Schönau EWS
Greenpeace Energy
For Naturstrom (and possibly EWS, too) we could also join a „Kunden werben Kunden“ program, either I would get a „Prämie“ or we could donate it then naturstrom will install solar roofs in Bangladesh.