Day 17

Take the stairs!

Whenever possible, take the stairs, avoid the elevator or escalator.

I’d like to share a little personal story: About 14 years ago my best friend who lives in a little town in Northern Germany told me that one day her sons and his friends complained about having to ride their bikes to their sports club with her. Contrary to other mums in that little town, my best friend decided to go by bike to their sports lessons. When her sons and his friends started to ask her „Why don’t we go by car? Why do we have to go by bike?“ she looked at them and asked: „Do you want that the polar bears will drown in the sea, just because we used up so much energy, warmed up our planet so much that the ice started to melt, and all the ice disappears? The polar bears will drown!“

End of discussion.

The funny thing is: I really LOVED her story and her arguments!
But my best friend now does not even remember this anymore.
However, for me and my kids, this became the new „motto“:
„Do this/Don’t do this, otherwise the polar bears will drown!“

Rule Number 1: We live on the 5th floor, but nobody is supposed to use the elevator. It keeps you healthy to walk down and up each day, we save time and money for the fitness studio.

*If* someone is really carrying heavy stuff, it’s an exception. e.g. weekly shopping at the farmers market.


Picture shows a skinny polar bear from the documentary „Die Jagd“. Due to the melting ice, polar bears have now 10% less weight than 10 years ago


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