Day 3


My „Eco Challenge“ suggestion for today:

Have a look around you today (and maybe over the next days and the weekend). How many items do you find which you do not need (do not need any longer, never needed at all, …)? But you cannot throw out those items, because they are new, never used, in perfect shape?

Maybe kitchen supplies, maybe clothes (too big, too small, wrong color, …)?

Or maybe you own something you need several times? Like … four water bottles? Pick the one you really like and let go the others – someone else might need it and it’s better for our environment if we don’t produce more unused items.

Around this time of the year many people do some „spring clean-up“ and at the same time, people often realize that they would like to buy something else. Great time to rehome pre-loved things!

Search for three items for each category:

1. Something which you could give to a friend, because you think s/he would like to have it. Then, you send an email TODAY to that person and first ask (!) her/him whether or not s/he’d like to have that item.

2. Something which you could bring to a charity shop (e.g. Oxfam at Türkenstraße, Diakonia) tomorrow

3. Something you can give away via Facebook groups like Free you stuff Munich, Parents in Munich Items for Sale, ebay-kleinanzeigen. de, Ebay or some other platform.

Let’s find a new home for some obsolete items 🙂 

Rehoming these items locally in Munich is also good for us here, because it means less energy for transport, less exhaust gases, less pollution.

So, if you need anything, check also the local groups, apart from helping the environment this may also help to save some money – money which could then be saved or invested into better products, healthier food, or experiences (how about a nice massage to relax?) instead of stuff.

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